Best 5 books for businessman & entrepreneurs , must read before die

5 book best for business man and entrepreneurs

      When someone told about business Man , whose image comes to your mind first? You  may say Bill Gates or Jeff Bejos. Or someone else may say Warren Buffet or Marks Zuckerberg. But do you know what is common in them?Yes all of them are a great reader. They act as an example of the quote " learners are earners”.Bill Gate says that he read at least 50 books every year. Warren Buffett — arguably the most skilled investor of our time — said reading 500 pages a day was the key to success. "That's how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest," he explained.

       That's probably why so many important business people make reading a daily ritual.If you want exposure to new ideas, modes of thinking, and want to gain knowledge about a particular topic, then reading is important. And it's going to help you in business, be it by a mixture of accounts on other corporate successes or failures and lessons on lean startups, deal with co-worker and partners , balance your business and personal life.

      There are hundreds of great business books  present in the market. According to me the best 5 books for businessman & entrepreneurs are ....


            "The philosophy of the rich and the poor is this : the rich invest their money and the poor spend their money and invest what is left" - Robert T Kiyosaki


         The great author of this book Robert T Kiyosaki find out the reason, why rich people are getting more rich and poor are getting poor day by days. Rich people understand the vital yet often misunderstood difference between assets and liabilities. An asset puts money in your pocket. A liability takes money out of your pocket. In order to get rich, you must buy assets that brings money in your pocket as a "passive income"- it means it gives you income without your presence.


         Kiyosaki encourages parents to expose their children to the business world at a young age, as opposed to emphasizing school. He also looks at untapped opportunities in real estate investing while providing a guide on how to start and own businesses.

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        "Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass" - Napoleon Hill


       The great author Napoleon Hill spend over 30 years interviewing over 500 great successful person .And from  them he knows that they all enroll and harness the great power subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind are way more powerful than our conscious mind. So in order to accomplish your big goals you have to control and utilize the power of subconscious mind programming it with the goal you want. According to him the 5 key to program our subconscious mind are..

       i) Be very clear about your goal.

       ii) use the power of auto


       iii) use the power of emotion.

       iv) visualization and acting as if.

       v) persistence and repetition.

   Thoughts is supreme - and they are incredibly powerful. Specify your goal and without veering of direction just  move straight to the goal.

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"The best entrepreneurs know this : every great business is built around a secret that's hidden from the outside. A great company is a conspiracy to change the world;when you share your secret, the recipient becomes a fellow conspirator" - Peter Thiel


   The co-founder of PayPal ,a great entrepreneur Peter Thiel give his valuable advices and notes about business startup. Many businesses come up quickly in today's world and then falling apart as just quickly. Among other factors , this is due to lack of originality and creativity to solving problems. After reading the Peter Thiel's  book I discovered the 3 key to building a business and run it successfully are..

   1) Bet on a contrarian truth .

   2) chat by dominating a small market .

   3) strive to be a monopoly.

Nowadays most of the us trying to start a business  which are already exist with a copycat mentality. But in this book author challenges the reader to focus on Innovation and creativity with the concept of what future world  needs most.

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          "We must learn what customers really want, not what they say they want or what we think they should want." - Eric Ries

     Author of this book Eric Ries himself   once a failure entrepreneur as in those time he doesn't know about the principal of business that ,'his focus shouldn't have been  on executive the perfect plan but his focus should be on which of his  effort are valuable for his end user.' After analysing his failure he discovers the importance of MVP -Minimum viable product. He define MVP as that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.

      We do all sorts of thing wrong. It’s not a matter of trying harder, but rather of working on the right things. Sometimes people work hard and efficiently doing the wrong things. We need to experiment to verify that we’re working on the right thing. The book offers a systematic, scientific way for business managers to get the information they need to make fast decisions in today’s changing world.

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    "Tomorrow becomes never. No matterhow small the task, take the step now !" - Tim Ferriss

       In this book author Tim Ferriss emphasis on productivity over activity.He told that Time and freedom are your most valuable and irreplaceable assets.This is why relative income is more valuable than absolute income ($1k in 2 h > $2k in 6h).Freedom of What, When, Where and with Whom also multiply the value of money (allow you to do more with less).Understand that everything you own has a call on your time; this is the reason the things you own end up owning you.

        Tim Ferriss told about the great law of work 1) Pareto's law and 2) Parkinson law. So as life is too short so priorities your goals and dreams and work on them smartly.

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All the author of the above books are not only writer they all are great businessman and entrepreneurs if you have a big dream about your business and you want to be a one of the successful businessman then I think the book of this great authors and the businessman might help you a lot.

If you enjoyed this post I'd very grateful if you spread this with your friends by sharing .Also check out our another blog "top 5 book i read"

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August 5, 2020 at 11:55 PM ×

These're a great stuff to became rich businesses women in near future ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ ,,thanks for all ur references bonuu๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

August 6, 2020 at 8:36 AM ×

Thanks ๐Ÿ˜˜☺️

August 19, 2020 at 3:11 AM ×

I have some collections of books that should everyone read


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